Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Post

This is a test post. Just testing to see if Stephanie and Katie can access the blog, comment on each others posts and what not! I'm yet to do the reading, so once I finish them I will post. But quick question, we all three post, then what? We comment on each other? Do we comment on all posts or just one? 

Thats all! Happy Wednesday!


  1. Yeah! I got your invitation and I am able to post! I think we just have to make one post, and at least one comment, but we can do more if we choose, but could be wrong. Should I e-mail our professor and check?
    - Katie

  2. Hey girls! Sorry it took me so long to post, but I was procrastinating. I can use everything fine and, yes, we are supposed to post once ourselves and once on someone else's. Have a good night!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree, I know I like doing things that I know I can do. Even if I am not motivated, I will do them because I beleive I am competent. In the same way, if I feel that I cannot do something, I will put it off or avoid it, even if I really want to do it. I am more scared of trying and failing than not trying at all. I have had very enthuastic teachers that have encouraged me to try new things. Their excitement not only made me excited, but made them open to me. I felt that if I really screwed up, they would help me to figure out my project and re-do it. This openness really helped me succeed at things I didn't think I could do. It just goes to show how much teachers can influence students.
    I too have had teachers that push one subject. I have also been taught that I when I become a teacher, I have to pretend that every subject is my favorite. I really agree with this. When my teachers seem intrested in what they are teaching, I am more intrested in learning. Keeping this in mind makes me realize how I need to portray a love of all subjects to my students, even if that is not really how I feel.
    Finally, I really value how different our class is as a learning community. I know that there are people in the class that are younger than me, and several that are much older. We all bring different school experiences, as well as life experiences that we can learn from. I am excited to get to know everyone, and learn what I can from them all.

  5. Katie-
    I definitely agree with you about showing a love for all subjects. The past year has really made me think about what my favorite subjects truly are because I used to NOT be a science or a math person and used to have a bad opinion of those subjects just because of my feelings toward them. Since TE 401 and 402, though, my feelings have changed because I have gotten a more well-rounded knowledge of each subject. I think that is a crucial part of becoming a teacher because until you both struggle and succeed in a subject, you are not fully prepared in it. Each person's experience create diversity in our own learning environment.
