Sunday, March 22, 2009

Expanding Students' Knowledge of Words

This chapter in Tompkins was very interesting because it showed many different ways to teach vocabulary students. I thought that it was very interesting how it said that each year students learn 3,000 new words through reading, etc. At first hearing that made me think that many teachers may read this and then think that teaching vocabulary is not that important because it comes so naturally and it is not something that needs formal instruction. Unfortunately this is definitely not the case. Instruction on vocabulary is very important and is critical to students' reading development. Here is a vocabulary lesson I found online on for teaching vocabulary about Roll of Thunder:

Vocabulary Builder for Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Taken from
After presenting these vocabulary words to students, have them make a chart like the one shown below. Ask them to list each word in the first column. Then students should think about their familiarity with each word and make a check in the appropriate column. If they can define the word, they should write the definition in the next column. Once the charts are completed, invite those who can define a word to do so for the rest of the class. Challenge these volunteers to use the words in sentences. Then direct students who did not previously check the second column to write the word's meaning in that column. After reviewing all the words, encourage students to go back and circle in red any words that they are still not sure of.

meticulously penchant verandah morosely
dubious obnoxious raucous fallow
careened exasperation despondently chignon
acrid ashen malevolently knell
amenities subdued emaciated shroud
proprietor disposition temerity snidely
concession monotonous reprimand plantation
noncommittal maverick crescendo boycott
languidly flaunting chiffonier insolently
reverberated adamantly resiliency feigned
lethargically imperiously moronic impaled
admonished interjected flaccid compassion

1 comment:

  1. I was suprised to hear that learning the fact that children learn 3,000 new words would make someone question if direct insturction was necessary. I feel that children can only learn this many words if they first learn strategies of how to make meaning of words that they do not know. I feel that this chapter did a good job of detailing not only the importance of teaching children strategies of how to decifer new words, but also what the strategies are. The different ideas were intresting and helpful to me now, and I could see how they would greatly benefit students aquiring vocabulary.
