Sunday, April 5, 2009

Week 10

Vocabulary can be taught in book club in many different ways. Tompkins talked about how vocabulary during book club is more meaningful than simply learning words on their own. This is because when you learn new words, but can associate them with meaning and text, the words are more likely to become part of your vocabulary rather than a memorized word for a quiz or test. This is a great idea. I hated learning new vocab words because I looked at it as "busy work". However, learning new words with relation to a book I am reading, or a subject I am interested in makes a lot more sense. Using this technique, for a vocab lesson on ROTHMC I would have each student in the book club choose a word from the book they are unfamiliar with. From here, the students would have to define their word, find a synanom for their word and come up with a picture or symbol that relates to their word. This would help other students to not only hear the new vocabulary, but make sense of the words through the text as well as see an object or picture that is relevant. All three of these methods will help students to build vocabulary but also make meaningful connections. 

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