Sunday, February 8, 2009

Week 5

I thought the Digital Natives in the Classroom article was interesting. I took the quiz and was only able to define two of the terms, but I think I am more of a Native than an Immigrant. A digital native is one who has been brought up using technology and is fluent and confident in the various uses of the internet, video games, mtv etc. A digital immigrant, however, is generally someone older than 30 who was not brought up in an age where technology was prevalant. 

I remember in early elementary school using computers. We had a computer lab that we went to once a week and played math munchies and oregon trail. Although I did no have a computer at my house at the time, nor did I really need one to complete school work, I was being introduced to technology. Although I was only able to define two of the terms, I feel that I have had enough experience with technology that I am able to navigate my way and figure out how to work websites or new technologies based on my experiences. This would make me a digital native. 

In the classroom, I think it is important to recognize that technology is very appealing to students. Although video games and looked heavily down upon, when students are brought up with technology it is important for us as educators to figure out ways to integrate in the classroom. In regards to technology in the classroom the article quotes "In 2001 the second highest ranked course among Executive MBA students at Harvard Business School was a simulation used to teach global logistics". This proves that video games in sense, and other technologies can influence learning in a positive way.

My only worry as a future teacher is that students will stray away from reading books. I see it now with my brother who is in third grade. It is like pulling teeth to get him to read for pleasure rather than playing his video games. My goal as a teacher is to get my students to read for fun and enjoy it as well. Although technology is fun and exciting we can't forget about the simple pleasures of a book :)

1 comment:

  1. Jessie-
    I completely agree with you about being a mix between a digital immigrant and a digital native and I feel that I am exactly the same way. I think that many people of our generation are in the same category, but the generation that is in middle and high school right now are more digital natives than we are. My sister is a sophomore in high school and she is much more technologically savvy than I am.
    I also agree with you about how it is important to have a good balance with technology and actual reading books in our future classroom. In the classrooms that I have seen, teachers are just starting to bring technology in your classroom. I do have a fear, though, that as time goes on teachers will rely more on the technology that actually preparing traditional lessons. In my future classroom, I will try my best to have a good balance between technology and using actual books, and I will strive to make each lesson with technology meaningful.
